Career Tip: Tackle Your Reading List

Disclaimer: This post was originally published in 2014. But! I firmly believe the tips shared are still relevant today. 

This was the year of self-realization for me in the workplace. I owned my career by negotiating a kick-ass salary for the first time ever. I was vocal about what I believed in, most importantly myself, and my talents. I gained new allies and showed many people who’s boss. I read everything on feminism, and became obsessed with diversity and company culture. I closed out a year of work with no regrets but tons of lessons learned. 

The best way to stay current and generate fresh new ideas is by reading content related to your industry. Take time to disconnect and go analog. The next article you read and love, print it out and highlight key words or quotes that really stand out for you. Bonus points if you also tack the article on to a mood board in your office for inspiration. 

I am introducing a new idea. Try to care less. Practice ambivalence. Learn to let go of wanting it. Treat your career like a bad boyfriend… Career is the stringing together of opportunities and jobs. Mix in public opinion and past regrets. Add a dash of future panic and a whole lot of financial uncertainty. Career is something that fools you into thinking you are in control and then takes pleasure in reminding you that you aren’t. Career is the thing that will not fill you up and never make you truly whole. Depending on your career is like eating a cake for breakfast and wondering why you start crying an hour later.
— Amy Poehler, Yes Please

Below, my favorite pieces that made me yell (sadly) YES! I’M NOT ALONE in the suffering, but also inspired me to do and be better, and provide solutions (albeit temporary) to surviving the industry I chose to work in. In sharing these video clips, articles, and podcasts, I hope more females will not only realize their strengths but also call out those who are destroying them. 

Year in Review Reading List


Profile: Fast Company


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